Bird Rights Calculator

Bird exceptions allow teams to sign their free agents when they are over the salary cap, preventing the need of dismantling a roster due to lack of cap room. Bird rights are determined as a function of how many years the player has been signed to one or more contracts without having their rights dropped (including through waivers and renouncing a hold), or since signing as a free agent.

There are three Bird exceptions:

  1. Non-Bird (Non-Qualifying Veteran Free Agent)
  2. Early-Bird (Early-Qualifying Veteran Free Agent)
  3. Bird (Qualifying Veteran Free Agent)

Non-BirdNon-Bird (Non-Qualifying Veteran Free Agent)
Earned after 1 year. Permits a player to sign a contract with the following properties:
  1. Length: 1-4 years
  2. Salary increase: 5%
  3. 1st year salary up to the greater of:
    1. 120% of the player's salary in the previous season, or
    2. 120% of the minimum player salary for the season, or
    3. The amounted needed to tender a qualifying offer if the player is an RFA

Early-BirdEarly-Bird (Early-Qualifying Veteran Free Agent)
Earned after 2 years. Permits a player to sign a contract with the following properties:
  1. Length: 2-4 years (1 year contracts are not permitted to prevent the team from signing a player to a 1-year contract simply to attain the Bird exception)
  2. Salary increase: 8%
  3. 1st year salary up to the greater of:
    1. 175% of the player's salary in the previous season, or
    2. 105% of the league average salary for the season

BirdBird (Qualifying Veteran Free Agent)
Earned after 3 years. Permits a player to sign a contract with the following properties:
  1. Length: 1-5 years
  2. Salary increase: 8%
  3. 1st year salary up to:
    1. 25% of the salary cap for players with 6 or less years of service, or
    2. 30% of the salary cap for players with 7-9 years of service, or
    3. 35% of the salary cap for players with 10 or more years of service

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Achiuwa, PreciousPF25Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVetUFA2025$6,000,000
Adams, StevenC31Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVEUFA2025$12,600,000
Adebayo, BamC, PF27Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVEUFA2029$59,198,796
Agbaji, OchaiSG24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRSCRFA2026$6,383,525
Aldama, SantiPF24Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRSCRFA2025$3,960,531
Alexander, TreySG21Logo of the Denver NuggetsDEN2WayRFA2025$0
Alexander-Walker, NickeilSG26Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVetUFA2025$4,312,500
Allen, JarrettC26Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVEUFA2029$32,480,000
Allen, GraysonSG29Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVEUFA2028$19,375,000
Alvarado, JosePG26Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVEUFA2027$4,500,000
Anderson, KyleSF, PF31Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVetUFA2027$9,658,536
Antetokounmpo, GiannisPF, C, SF, SG30Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVEUFA2028$62,786,600
Anthony, ColePG24Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSEUFA2027$13,100,000
Anunoby, OGSF27Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVEUFA2029$48,362,068
Armstrong, TaranPG23Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSW2WayRFA2025$0
Avdija, DeniSG, SF24Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRSEUFA2028$11,875,000
Ayton, DeandreC26Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORPRFAUFA2026$35,550,814
Bagley, MarcusSF23Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHI10DayUFA2025$66,503
Bagley III, MarvinPF26Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetUFA2025$12,500,000
Baldwin Jr, PatrickPF22Logo of the LA ClippersLAC2WayRFA2026$0
Ball, LonzoPG27Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVEUFA2027$10,000,000
Ball, LaMeloSG, PG23Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSEUFA2029$46,394,040
Banchero, PaoloPF22Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSCRFA2026$15,334,769
Bane, DesmondSG, SF26Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRSEUFA2029$44,886,930
Banton, DalanoPG25Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORVetUFA2025$2,196,970
Barlow, DominickPF, C21Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVetUFA2026$2,270,735
Barnes, HarrisonPF, SF32Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVEUFA2026$19,000,000
Barnes, ScottieSG, PF23Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRSEUFA2030$51,183,000
Barrett, RJSG24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRSEUFA2027$29,616,071
Bassey, CharlesC24Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2026$2,500,000
Bassey, CharlesC24Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Bates, EmoniSF, SG21Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLE2WayRFA2025$0
Battle, JamisonSF23Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRookRFA2027$2,296,271
Batum, NicolasSF, SG36Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2026$4,901,400
Baugh, DamionSG24Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Baugh, DamionSG24Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHA2WayRFA2025$0
Beal, BradleySG31Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2027$57,128,610
Beasley, MalikSG28Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2025$6,000,000
Beauchamp, MarJonSG, SF24Logo of the New York KnicksNYKRSCUFA2026$2,733,720
Beauchamp, MarJonSG, SF24Logo of the New York KnicksNYK2WayRFA2025$0
Beekman, ReecePG23Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKN2WayRFA2025$0
Bey, SaddiqPF, SF25Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVetUFA2027$6,440,678
Bitadze, GogaC25Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVetUFA2027$7,608,696
Biyombo, BismackC32Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2025$503,884
Black, AnthonySG, PG21Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSCRFA2027$10,106,316
Bogdanovic, BogdanSG32Logo of the LA ClippersLACVEUFA2027$16,020,000
Bol, BolC25Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Bona, AdemPF, C21Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Booker, DevinSG28Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXDVEUFA2028$61,015,192
Boston Jr., BrandonSG, SF23Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVetUFA2026$2,349,578
Boucher, ChrisPF31Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2025$10,810,000
Bouyea, JamareePG, SG25Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMIL2WayUFA2026$0
Bradley, TonyC27Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVetUFA2026$2,940,876
Branham, MalakiSG, SF21Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASRSCRFA2026$4,962,033
Braun, ChristianSG23Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRSCRFA2026$4,921,797
Bridges, MilesSF, PF27Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2027$22,826,087
Bridges, MikalSG, SF28Logo of the New York KnicksNYKDRSEUFA2026$24,900,000
Bridges, JalenSF23Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHX2WayRFA2025$0
Brissett, OshaePF, SF26VetUFA2025$2,165,000
Brogdon, MalcolmPG, SG32Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVEUFA2025$22,500,000
Brooks, DillonSF, SG29Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2027$19,992,727
Brooks Jr., KeionSF, PF24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Brooks Jr., KeionSF, PF24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOP2WayRFA2025$0
Brown, JaylenSG, SF28Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSDVEUFA2029$64,951,656
Brown, KobeSG, SF25Logo of the LA ClippersLACRSCRFA2027$4,792,059
Brown Jr., BruceSG28Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVetUFA2025$23,000,000
Brunson, JalenPG28Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVEUFA2029$43,330,561
Bryant, ThomasC27Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Bufkin, KobePG, SG21Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLRSCRFA2027$6,904,203
Burks, AlecSG33Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Butler, JimmySF, SG35Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVEUFA2027$56,832,773
Butler, JaredPG24Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2026$2,349,578
Buzelis, MatasSF20Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIRSCRFA2028$7,584,283
Cain, JamalSF26Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOP2WayRFA2025$0
Caldwell-Pope, KentaviousSG32Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVetUFA2027$21,621,500
Camara, ToumaniPF24Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Cancar, VlatkoSF27Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Capela, ClintC30Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVEUFA2025$22,265,280
Carlson, BrandenC25Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKC2WayUFA2025$0
Carlson, BrandenC25Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRookUFA2025$990,895
Carlson, BrandenC25Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKC2WayRFA2025$0
Carrington, CarltonSG, PG19Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSCRFA2028$7,257,729
Carter, DevinSG23Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACRSCRFA2028$7,370,896
Carter, JevonPG29Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2026$6,809,524
Carter Jr., WendellC25Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVEUFA2029$20,998,320
Caruso, AlexPG, SG31Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCVEUFA2029$22,446,480
Castle, StephonPG, SG20Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASRSCRFA2028$12,670,139
Champagnie, JustinSF, PF23Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVetUFA2028$3,005,085
Champagnie, JulianSG, SF23Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2027$3,000,000
Chomche, UlrichC19Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTOR2WayRFA2026$0
Christie, CameronPG19Logo of the LA ClippersLACRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Christie, MaxSG22Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2028$8,857,143
Christopher, JoshSG23Logo of the Miami HeatMIA2WayUFA2025$0
Cissoko, SidyPG, SF20Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPOR2WayRFA2026$0
Clark, JaylenSG23Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVetRFA2026$2,191,897
Clarke, BrandonPF28Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRSEUFA2027$12,500,000
Clarkson, JordanPG, SG32Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVEUFA2026$14,285,714
Claxton, NicolasC, PF25Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetUFA2028$20,943,184
Clingan, DonovanC21Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRSCRFA2028$9,550,298
Clowney, NoahPF, C20Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRSCRFA2027$5,414,034
Coffey, AmirSG27Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2025$3,938,271
Collier, IsaiahPG20Logo of the Utah JazzUTARSCRFA2028$4,988,948
Collins, JohnPF27Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVetUFA2026$26,580,000
Collins, ZachC, PF27Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVEUFA2026$18,080,496
Conley, MikePG37Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVEUFA2026$10,774,038
Connaughton, PatSG, SF32Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVEUFA2026$9,423,869
Coulibaly, BilalSF20Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSCRFA2027$9,240,012
Council IV, RickySG23Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Craig, TorreySF34Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVetUFA2025$779,820
Crawford, IsaiahSF23Logo of the Sacramento KingsSAC2WayRFA2025$0
Crowder, JaePF, SF34Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2025$1,655,619
Cunningham, CadePG23Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSEUFA2030$51,033,510
Curry, SethPG, SG34Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Curry, StephenPG37Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVEUFA2027$62,587,158
Da Silva, TristanPF23Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSCRFA2028$6,138,466
Dadiet, PacômePF19Logo of the New York KnicksNYKRSCRFA2028$5,373,608
Daniels, DysonSG, SF22Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLRSCRFA2026$7,707,709
Dante, N'FalyC23Logo of the Houston RocketsHOU2WayRFA2025$0
Davis, AnthonyC, PF32Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVEUFA2028$62,786,600
Davison, JDPG22Logo of the Boston CelticsBOS2WayRFA2025$0
Dennis, RayJPG23Logo of the Indiana PacersINDExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Dennis, RayJPG23Logo of the Indiana PacersIND2WayUFA2025$0
Dennis, RayJPG23Logo of the Indiana PacersIND2WayRFA2025$0
DeRozan, DeMarSF, SG35Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2027$25,740,000
Diabaté, MoussaPF23Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2027$2,461,462
Dick, GradeySG, SF21Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRSCRFA2027$7,131,510
Dieng, OusmanePF21Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSCRFA2026$6,670,882
Dillingham, RobPG20Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRSCRFA2028$8,763,215
Dinwiddie, SpencerPG, SG31Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2025$2,087,519
DiVincenzo, DonteSG28Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVetUFA2027$12,535,000
Doncic, LukaPG, SG26Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALDRSEUFA2027$48,967,380
Dort, LuguentzSF, PF25Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCVetUFA2027$17,722,222
Dosunmu, AyoPG25Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2026$7,518,518
Dowtin, JeffPG, SG27Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHI2WayUFA2025$0
Drummond, AndreC31Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2026$5,000,000
Ducas, AlexPG24Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKC2WayRFA2025$0
Duke Jr., DavidPG, SG25Logo of the San Antonio SpursSAS2WayUFA2025$0
Dunn, KrisPG31Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2027$5,684,800
Dunn, RyanSF, PF22Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXRSCRFA2028$5,025,553
Durant, KevinPF, SF, SG36Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVEUFA2026$54,708,609
Duren, JalenC21Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSCRFA2026$6,483,144
Eason, TariPF23Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSCRFA2026$5,675,766
Edey, ZachC22Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRSCRFA2028$8,067,936
Edwards, JustinSF, SG21Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRookRFA2026$1,955,377
Edwards, JesseC25Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMIN2WayRFA2025$0
Edwards, AnthonySF, SG23Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRSEUFA2029$55,672,848
Edwards, KesslerSF24Logo of the Dallas MavericksDAL2WayUFA2025$0
Ellis, KeonSG25Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2026$2,301,587
Embiid, JoelC31Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVEUFA2029$69,065,472
Etienne, TysonPG, SG25Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNExh10UFA2025$0
Etienne, TysonPG, SG25Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKN2WayRFA2025$0
Eubanks, DrewPF28Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2026$4,750,000
Evbuomwan, TosanPF24Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKN2WayUFA2025$0
Evbuomwan, TosanPF24Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNExh10UFA2025$1,862,265
Evbuomwan, TosanPF24Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKN2WayRFA2025$0
Exum, DantePG, SG29Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2025$3,150,000
Filipowski, KyleC21Logo of the Utah JazzUTARookRFA2028$3,000,000
Finney-Smith, DorianPF, SF31Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVEUFA2026$15,378,480
Flagler, AdamPG25Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKC2WayRFA2025$0
Flowers, TrentynSG, SF20Logo of the LA ClippersLAC2WayRFA2025$0
Fontecchio, SimoneSF29Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2026$8,307,692
Fournier, EvanSF, SG32VetUFA2025$18,857,143
Fox, De'AaronPG27Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASDRSEUFA2026$37,096,620
Freeman, EnriquePF24Logo of the Indiana PacersIND2WayRFA2025$0
Fultz, MarkellePG, SG26Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2025$731,831
Furphy, JohnnySG, SF20Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Gafford, DanielC26Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVEUFA2026$14,386,320
Garland, DariusPG25Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEDRSEUFA2028$44,886,930
Garza, LukaC26Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVetUFA2026$2,349,578
George, PaulSF, SG34Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2028$56,586,670
George, KeyonteSG21Logo of the Utah JazzUTARSCRFA2027$6,563,925
George, KyshawnSF, SG21Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSCRFA2028$5,435,892
Gibson, TajC, PF39Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Giddey, JoshPF, SF22Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIRSCRFA2025$8,352,367
Gilgeous-Alexander, ShaiPG, SG26Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCDRSEUFA2027$40,806,150
Gill, AnthonyPF32Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVetUFA2026$2,546,675
Gillespie, CollinPG25Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHX2WayRFA2025$0
Gobert, RudyC32Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVEUFA2028$38,000,000
Goodwin, JordanSG26Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALExh10UFA2025$2,087,519
Goodwin, JordanSG26Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLAL2WayRFA2025$0
Gordon, AaronPF, SF29Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENVEUFA2029$37,094,523
Gordon, EricPG, SG36Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2026$3,468,960
Grant, JeramiPF, SF31Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORVetUFA2028$36,413,790
Green, JavonteSF31Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Green, JavonteSF31Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVetUFA2025$599,862
Green, DraymondPF, SF35Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVetUFA2027$27,678,571
Green, JeffPF, SF38Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2025$8,000,000
Green, JoshSG, SF24Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSEUFA2027$14,679,012
Green, JalenSG23Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSEUFA2028$36,000,000
Green, AJSG, SF25Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2026$2,301,587
Grimes, QuentinSG24Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRSCRFA2025$4,296,682
Gueye, MouhamedPF22Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Hachimura, RuiPF27Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2026$18,259,259
Haliburton, TyresePG25Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRSEUFA2029$55,672,848
Hall, PJC23Logo of the Denver NuggetsDEN2WayRFA2025$0
Hardaway Jr., TimSG, SF33Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2025$16,193,183
Harden, JamesPG, SG35Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2026$36,346,154
Hardy, JadenSG, PG22Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVEUFA2028$6,000,000
Harkless, ElijahPG25Logo of the Utah JazzUTA2WayUFA2026$0
Harper Jr., RonSG, SF24Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Harper Jr., RonSG, SF24Logo of the Detroit PistonsDET2WayUFA2025$0
Harris, TobiasPF, SF32Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2026$26,634,146
Harris, GarySG30Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVetUFA2026$7,500,000
Hart, JoshSF, SG30Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVEUFA2028$22,375,280
Hartenstein, IsaiahC, PF26Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCVetUFA2027$28,500,000
Hauser, SamSF27Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVEUFA2029$12,455,356
Hawkins, JordanSG22Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPRSCRFA2027$7,021,895
Hayes, JaxsonC, PF24Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2025$2,463,946
Henderson, ScootPG21Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRSCRFA2027$13,585,523
Hendricks, TaylorPF, C21Logo of the Utah JazzUTARSCRFA2027$7,805,900
Herro, TylerSG25Logo of the Miami HeatMIARSEUFA2027$33,000,000
Hield, BuddySG32Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVetUFA2028$10,097,560
Highsmith, HaywoodSF28Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVetUFA2026$5,616,000
Holiday, AaronPG28Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2026$4,901,400
Holiday, JruePG, SG34Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVEUFA2028$37,200,000
Holland II, RonSF, PF19Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSCRFA2028$11,491,183
Holmes, DaRonPF22Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRSCRFA2028$5,547,137
Holmes, RichaunC, PF31Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVetUFA2026$13,280,737
Holmgren, ChetC22Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSCRFA2026$13,731,368
Hood-Schifino, JalenSG, SF21Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRookUFA2027$3,879,840
Hood-Schifino, JalenSG, SF21Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHI2WayRFA2025$0
Horford, AlC, PF38Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVEUFA2025$9,500,000
Horton-Tucker, TalenSG24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIExh10UFA2025$2,087,519
Houstan, CalebSF, SG22Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRookUFA2026$2,187,699
Howard, JettSF21Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSCRFA2027$7,337,938
Huerter, KevinSG26Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIRSEUFA2026$17,991,071
Huff, JayC26Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetUFA2028$3,005,085
Hukporti, ArielC22Logo of the New York KnicksNYKRookRFA2026$1,955,377
Hunter, De'AndreSF27Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLERSEUFA2027$24,910,714
Hyland, Nah'Shon BonesPG, SG24Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRSCUFA2025$4,158,439
Hyland, Nah'Shon BonesPG, SG24Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMIN2WayUFA2025$0
Ighodaro, OsoPF22Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Ingles, JoePF, SF37Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Ingram, BrandonPF, SF27Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVEUFA2028$41,904,762
Ingram, HarrisonSF22Logo of the San Antonio SpursSAS2WayRFA2025$0
Irving, KyriePG, SG33Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2026$43,962,963
Isaac, JonathanPF, SF27Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVEUFA2029$15,000,000
Ivey, JadenSG23Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSCRFA2026$10,107,163
Jackson, IsaiahC23Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRSCRFA2025$4,435,381
Jackson, QuentonSG, PG26Logo of the Indiana PacersIND2WayRFA2025$0
Jackson II, GGPF, C20Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRookRFA2027$2,406,205
Jackson Jr., JarenC, PF25Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRSEUFA2026$23,413,395
Jackson Jr., AndreSG, PG, SF23Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Jackson-Davis, TraycePF, C25Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWRookUFA2027$2,406,205
James, LeBronPF, PG, SF, SG40Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2026$52,627,153
James, BronnyPG, SG20Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Jaquez Jr., JaimeSF, SG24Logo of the Miami HeatMIARSCRFA2027$5,939,141
Jeffries, DaQuanSG27Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2027$3,080,918
Jemison, TreyPF25Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLAL2WayRFA2026$0
Jenkins, DanissPG23Logo of the Detroit PistonsDET2WayRFA2025$0
Jerome, TySG, PG27Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVetUFA2025$2,560,975
Joe, IsaiahSG25Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCVetUFA2028$11,323,006
Johnson, JamesPF, SF38Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Johnson, CameronSF, PF29Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetUFA2027$22,500,000
Johnson, KeldonSF25Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASDRSEUFA2027$17,500,000
Johnson, JalenPF, SF23Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLRSEUFA2030$30,000,000
Johnson, KeonSG23Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetUFA2026$2,349,578
Johnson, KeshadSF23Logo of the Miami HeatMIARookRFA2026$1,955,377
Johnson, A.J.PG20Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSCRFA2028$5,493,393
Jokic, NikolaC30Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENDVEUFA2028$62,841,702
Jones, TyusPG28Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Jones, TrePG25Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2025$9,104,167
Jones, MasonPG, SG26Logo of the Sacramento KingsSAC2WayRFA2025$0
Jones, KaiC24Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALExh10UFA2025$2,087,519
Jones, KaiC24Logo of the Dallas MavericksDAL2WayUFA2025$0
Jones, KaiC24Logo of the Dallas MavericksDAL2WayUFA2025$0
Jones, HerbertSG, SF26Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVetUFA2027$14,898,786
Jones, ColbySG22Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Jones, DillonSG, SF23Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSCRFA2028$5,200,645
Jones, IsaacPF24Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACRookRFA2026$1,955,377
Jones, SpencerPF23Logo of the Denver NuggetsDEN2WayRFA2025$0
Jones Jr., DerrickPF, SF28Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2027$10,476,190
Jordan, DeAndreC36Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Joseph, CoryPG, SG33Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVetUFA2026$3,468,960
Jovic, NikolaSF, SG21Logo of the Miami HeatMIARSCRFA2026$4,445,417
Juzang, JohnnySG24Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVetUFA2028$2,789,215
Kawamura, YukiPG23Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMExh10RFA2025$1,157,153
Kawamura, YukiPG23Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEM2WayRFA2025$0
Kennard, LukeSG28Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetUFA2025$9,250,000
Kessler, WalkerC, PF23Logo of the Utah JazzUTARSCRFA2026$4,878,938
Key, BraxtonPF28Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWExh10UFA2025$2,087,519
Key, BraxtonPF28Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSW2WayUFA2025$0
Kispert, CoreySF26Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSEUFA2029$13,050,000
Kleber, MaxiC, PF33Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVEUFA2026$11,000,000
Klintman, BobiPF22Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRookUFA2028$2,486,995
Knecht, DaltonSG, SF23Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALRSCRFA2028$6,452,859
Knox, KevinPF, SF25Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWCIUFA2025$2,087,519
Knox, KevinPF, SF25Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVetUFA2025$273,433
Kolek, TylerPG23Logo of the New York KnicksNYKRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Koloko, ChristianC24Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLAL2WayRFA2025$0
Konchar, JohnSG29Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVEUFA2027$6,165,000
Kornet, LukeC, PF29Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Krejci, VitSG24Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVetUFA2028$3,005,085
Kuminga, JonathanSF, PF22Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWRSCRFA2025$7,636,307
Kuzma, KylePF29Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2027$20,365,152
Landale, JockC, PF29Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2027$8,000,000
LaRavia, JakeSF, PF23Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACRSCUFA2026$3,352,680
Larsson, PelleSG, SF24Logo of the Miami HeatMIARookRFA2027$2,296,271
LaVine, ZachSG30Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2027$48,967,380
Lawson, A.J.SG24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2027$2,120,683
Lawson, A.J.SG24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTOR2WayUFA2025$0
Lawson, A.J.SG24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTOR2WayRFA2025$0
Lee, DamionSG32Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Len, AlexC31Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Len, AlexC31Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2025$743,829
Leonard, KawhiSF33Logo of the LA ClippersLACVEUFA2027$50,300,000
LeVert, CarisSF, SG30Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVetUFA2025$16,615,384
Lewis, MaxwellSF22Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Liddell, E.J.PF24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2026$2,120,693
Liddell, E.J.PF24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIExh10UFA2025$2,087,519
Liddell, E.J.PF24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHI2WayRFA2025$0
Lillard, DamianPG34Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVEUFA2027$58,456,490
Lively II, DereckC21Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALRookRFA2027$7,239,130
Livingston, ChrisSF, PF21Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Looney, KevonC, PF29Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVetUFA2025$8,000,000
Lopez, BrookC36Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2025$23,000,000
Love, KevinC, PF36Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVetUFA2026$4,150,000
Lowry, KylePG39Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Lundy, SethSG, SF24Logo of the LA ClippersLAC2WayRFA2026$0
Lyles, TreyPF29Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2025$8,000,000
Mamukelashvili, SandroC, PF25Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Mann, TeranceSG28Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVEUFA2028$16,000,000
Mann, TrePG24Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSCRFA2025$4,908,373
Markkanen, LauriSF, PF27Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVEUFA2029$53,536,209
Marshall, NajiSF27Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2027$9,428,571
Martin, CodySF29Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2026$8,680,000
Martin, CalebSF29Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2028$9,371,351
Martin, TyreseSG, SF26Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetRFA2026$2,191,897
Martin, JaylenSF21Logo of the Washington WizardsWAS2WayRFA2026$0
Martin Jr., KenyonSF24Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVetUFA2026$8,025,000
Mathews, GarrisonSG28Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVetUFA2025$2,230,253
Mathurin, BennedictSG, SF21Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRSCRFA2026$9,187,573
Matković, KarloPF, C23Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPRookRFA2027$2,296,271
Maxey, TyresePG, SG24Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2029$46,394,040
McBride, MilesPG24Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVEUFA2027$3,956,523
McCain, JaredSG, PG21Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRSCRFA2028$6,784,268
McClung, MacPG26Logo of the Orlando MagicORLExh10RFA2025$2,087,519
McClung, MacPG26Logo of the Orlando MagicORL2WayRFA2025$0
McCollum, CJSG33Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVEUFA2026$30,666,666
McConnell, T.J.PG33Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVEUFA2029$11,800,000
McCullar Jr., KevinSG24Logo of the New York KnicksNYK2WayRFA2025$0
McDaniels, JadenSF, PF24Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRSEUFA2029$30,382,755
McDermott, DougPF, SF33Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2025$2,087,519
McGowens, BryceSG22Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRookUFA2026$2,019,699
McGowens, BryceSG22Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPOR2WayRFA2025$0
McLaughlin, JordanPG28Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2025$2,087,519
McVeigh, JackPF28Logo of the Houston RocketsHOU2WayRFA2025$0
Melton, De'AnthonyPG26Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetUFA2025$12,822,000
Merrill, SamSG28Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVetUFA2025$2,164,993
Metu, ChimeziePF28VetUFA2024$2,019,706
Metu, ChimeziePF28VetUFA2025$215,781
Micić, VasilijePG31Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXRookUFA2026$8,109,150
Middleton, KhrisSF33Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVetUFA2026$34,012,345
Miller, BrandonSF, SG22Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSCRFA2027$15,104,626
Miller, LeonardSF21Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Miller, JordanSF25Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2028$2,573,347
Miller, EmanuelSF, PF24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Miller, EmanuelSF, PF24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHI2WayRFA2025$0
Mills, PattyPG36Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Milton, Malik ShakeSG28Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2027$3,287,406
Minaya, JustinSF, PF26Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPOR2WayUFA2025$0
Minix, RileyPF24Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASExh10RFA2025$1,157,153
Minix, RileyPF24Logo of the San Antonio SpursSAS2WayRFA2025$0
Minott, JoshSF22Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRookUFA2026$2,187,699
Missi, YvesC20Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPRSCRFA2028$5,595,827
Mitchell, AjayPG, SG22Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSERFA2026$3,000,000
Mitchell, DonovanSG28Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVEUFA2028$53,817,086
Mitchell, DavionPG26Logo of the Miami HeatMIARSCRFA2025$6,451,077
Mobley, EvanPF, C23Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLERSEUFA2030$51,033,444
Mogbo, JonathanPF23Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRookRFA2027$2,296,271
Monk, MalikSG27Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2028$21,582,451
Moody, MosesSG22Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWRSEUFA2028$13,425,925
Moore Jr, WendellSF23Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSCUFA2026$2,537,040
Moore Jr, WendellSF23Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHA2WayRFA2025$0
Morant, JaPG25Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMDRSEUFA2028$44,886,930
Morris, MontePG29Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Morris, MarkieffPF35Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALCIUFA2025$2,087,519
Murphy III, TreySF, SG24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPRSEUFA2029$31,000,000
Murray, JamalPG, SG28Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENVEUFA2029$57,528,609
Murray, DejounteSG, PG28Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVEUFA2028$31,330,172
Murray, KeeganPF24Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACRSCRFA2026$11,144,093
Murray, KrisPF, SF24Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRSCRFA2027$5,315,004
Mykhailiuk, SviatoslavSF, SG27Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVetUFA2028$4,025,000
Nance, PetePF, C25Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMIL2WayRFA2026$0
Nance Jr., LarryC, PF32Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVEUFA2025$11,205,000
Nembhard, AndrewPG25Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVEUFA2028$20,998,320
Nesmith, AaronSF25Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRSEUFA2027$11,000,000
Newton, TristenPG23Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMIN2WayRFA2025$0
Niang, GeorgesPF31Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLVetUFA2026$8,200,000
Nnaji, ZekePF24Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRSEUFA2028$7,466,667
Norris, MilesPF24Logo of the Boston CelticsBOS2WayUFA2026$0
Nurkic, JusufC30Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2026$19,375,000
O'Neale, RoycePF, SF31Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2028$11,625,000
Okogie, JoshSG26Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2026$7,750,000
Okongwu, OnyekaPF, C24Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLRSEUFA2028$16,880,000
Okoro, IsaacSG, SF24Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVEUFA2027$11,814,814
Olynyk, KellyC, PF33Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVEUFA2026$13,445,122
Oubre Jr., KellySF29Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2026$8,382,150
Paul, ChrisPG39Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASVetUFA2025$10,460,000
Payne, CamPG30Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Payton II, GaryPG32Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVetUFA2025$9,130,000
Peterson, DrewSF, PF25Logo of the Boston CelticsBOS2WayUFA2025$0
Phillips, JulianPF, SF21Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Pickett, JalenPG25Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Pippen Jr., ScottyPG, SG22Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetUFA2028$2,789,215
Plowden, DaeqwonPG26Logo of the Atlanta HawksATL2WayRFA2026$0
Plumlee, MasonC35Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Podziemski, BrandinSG22Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWRSCRFA2027$5,679,458
Poeltl, JakobC29Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2027$19,500,000
Poole, JordanSG25Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSEUFA2027$34,044,642
Porter Jr., KevinPG, SG24Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2026$2,546,675
Porter Jr., MichaelSF26Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENDRSEUFA2027$40,806,150
Porter Jr., CraigPG25Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLERookUFA2027$2,406,205
Portis, BobbyC, PF30Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2026$13,445,754
Porzingis, KristapsPF29Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVEUFA2026$30,731,707
Post, QuintenC, PF25Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWRookRFA2026$1,955,377
Potter, MicahPF, C26Logo of the Utah JazzUTA2WayUFA2025$0
Powell, NormanSG31Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2026$20,482,758
Powell, DwightC, PF33Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2026$4,000,000
Prince, TaureanSF31Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Pritchard, PaytonPG27Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSRSEUFA2028$8,303,571
Prosper, Olivier-MaxenceSF, PF22Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALRSCRFA2027$5,259,383
Pullin, ZyonPG24Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEM2WayUFA2026$0
Queen, TrevelinSG28Logo of the Orlando MagicORL2WayUFA2025$0
Queta, NeemiasC25Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVetUFA2027$2,667,944
Quickley, ImmanuelPG25Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2029$32,500,000
Quinones, LesterSG24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOP2WayRFA2026$0
Randle, JuliusC, PF30Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVEUFA2026$30,935,520
Reath, DuopC28Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRookRFA2026$2,221,677
Reaves, AustinSG26Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2027$14,898,786
Reddish, CamSF25Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2025$2,463,946
Reed, PaulC, PF25Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2026$7,723,000
Reed, PaulC, PF25Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2025$1,427,671
Reese, AlexPF, C25Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Reese, AlexPF, C25Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIRookUFA2025$1,157,153
Reese, AlexPF, C25Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHI2WayRFA2025$0
Reeves, AntonioSG24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPRookRFA2027$2,296,271
Reid, NazC25Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINVEUFA2026$15,022,464
Rhoden, JaredSG25Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTOR2WayUFA2026$0
Richards, NickC27Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHXVEUFA2026$5,000,000
Risacher, ZaccharieSF19Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLRSCRFA2028$17,434,636
Robinson, DuncanPF, SF30Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVetUFA2026$19,888,000
Robinson, MitchellC26Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVetUFA2026$12,954,546
Robinson, OrlandoPF, C24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2025$2,120,693
Robinson, OrlandoPF, C24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Robinson, OrlandoPF, C24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTOR2WayRFA2025$0
Robinson, OrlandoPF, C24Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetRFA2025$491,887
Robinson-Earl, JeremiahPF24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPVetUFA2025$2,196,970
Roddy, DavidSF23Logo of the Houston RocketsHOU2WayRFA2026$0
Rollins, RyanSG21Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMIL2WayRFA2025$0
Rollins, RyanSG21Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetRFA2025$491,887
Rowe, JacksonPF28Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSW2WayUFA2026$0
Rozier, TerrySG, PG31Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVEUFA2026$26,643,031
Rupert, RayanSG20Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRookRFA2026$2,221,677
Russell, D'AngeloPG29Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetUFA2025$18,692,307
Sabonis, DomantasC, PF28Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVEUFA2028$49,908,000
Salaün, TidjaneSF, PF19Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSCRFA2028$10,445,632
Santos, GuiSF22Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWRookRFA2026$2,221,677
Saric, DarioPF30Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENVetUFA2026$5,426,400
Sarr, AlexandreC19Logo of the Washington WizardsWASRSCRFA2028$15,611,798
Sasser, MarcusSG, PG24Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSCRFA2027$5,198,983
Scheierman, BaylorSG, SF24Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSRSCRFA2028$4,952,992
Schroder, DennisPG31Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetUFA2025$13,025,250
Şengün, AlperenC, PF22Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSEUFA2030$39,036,697
Sensabaugh, BriceSF21Logo of the Utah JazzUTARSCRFA2027$4,862,237
Sexton, CollinPG, SG26Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVetUFA2026$19,175,000
Shamet, LandrySG28Logo of the New York KnicksNYKRSEUFA2026$11,000,000
Shamet, LandrySG28Logo of the New York KnicksNYKCIUFA2025$2,087,519
Shamet, LandrySG28Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVetUFA2025$1,343,690
Shannon Jr., TerrenceSG24Logo of the Minnesota TimberwolvesMINRSCRFA2028$5,054,159
Sharpe, Day'RonC23Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRSCRFA2025$3,989,122
Sharpe, ShaedonSG21Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRSCRFA2026$8,399,983
Shead, JamalPG22Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRookRFA2027$2,296,271
Sheppard, ReedSG, PG20Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSCRFA2028$14,041,624
Sheppard, BenSG23Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRSCRFA2027$5,031,668
Siakam, PascalPF30Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVetUFA2028$52,298,736
Simmons, BenSF, PG28Logo of the LA ClippersLACDRSEUFA2025$40,338,144
Simmons, BenSF, PG28Logo of the LA ClippersLACVetUFA2025$755,826
Simons, AnferneeSG25Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORVetUFA2026$27,678,571
Simpson, K. J.PG22Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHA2WayRFA2026$0
Sims, JerichoPF26Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2025$2,092,344
Smart, MarcusPG, SG31Logo of the Washington WizardsWASVEUFA2026$21,586,856
Smith, JalenPF25Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2027$9,428,571
Smith, DruPG27Logo of the Miami HeatMIA2WayRFA2025$0
Smith, TylerPF20Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILRookUFA2028$2,486,995
Smith III, ToluPF24Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Smith III, ToluPF24Logo of the Detroit PistonsDET2WayUFA2025$0
Smith Jr., JabariPF21Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSCRFA2026$12,350,392
Smith Jr., NickPG, SG20Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSCRFA2027$4,890,067
Sochan, JeremyPG, SF21Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASRSCRFA2026$7,096,231
Spencer, PatPG28Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSW2WayRFA2025$0
Spencer, PatPG28Logo of the Golden State WarriorsGSWVetRFA2025$438,810
Spencer, CamPG, SG24Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEM2WayRFA2025$0
Springer, JadenSG22Logo of the Utah JazzUTAVetUFA2027$2,667,944
Stevens, LamarSF, PF27Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMExh10UFA2025$2,087,519
Stevens, LamarSF, PF27Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetUFA2025$383,912
Stevens, IsaiahPG24Logo of the Miami HeatMIAExh10UFA2025$1,157,153
Stevens, IsaiahPG24Logo of the Miami HeatMIA2WayRFA2025$0
Stewart, IsaiahPF, C23Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSEUFA2028$15,000,000
Strawther, JulianSF22Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRSCRFA2027$4,826,931
Strus, MaxSG, SF28Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVEUFA2027$16,660,836
Suggs, JalenPG23Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSEUFA2030$26,700,000
Tate, Jae’SeanSF29Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2025$7,565,217
Tatum, JaysonSF, PF27Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSDVEUFA2030$71,446,914
Temple, GarrettSG, SF38Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Terry, DalenPG, SF, SG22Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIRSCRFA2026$5,399,118
Thomas, CamSG23Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRSCRFA2025$4,041,249
Thompson, TristanC, PF34Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Thompson, KlaySG35Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2027$17,460,317
Thompson, EthanSG25Logo of the Orlando MagicORL2WayRFA2026$0
Thompson, AmenPG22Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSCRFA2027$12,258,609
Thompson, AusarSG, SF22Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETRSCRFA2027$11,117,925
Thor, JTPF22Logo of the Washington WizardsWAS2WayUFA2025$0
Thybulle, MatisseSG28Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORVetUFA2026$11,550,000
Tillman Sr., XavierPF26Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVetUFA2026$2,546,675
Tomlin, Nae'QwanSF, PF24Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLE2WayRFA2026$0
Topić, NikolaPG19Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSCRFA2028$7,482,209
Toppin, JacobSF24Logo of the Atlanta HawksATL2WayUFA2025$0
Toppin, JacobSF24Logo of the Atlanta HawksATL2WayRFA2025$0
Toppin, ObiPF27Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVEUFA2028$16,025,000
Towns, Karl-AnthonyPF, C29Logo of the New York KnicksNYKDVEUFA2028$61,015,192
Travers, LukeSG, SF23Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLE2WayRFA2025$0
Trent Jr., GarySG26Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMILVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Tshiebwe, OscarC25Logo of the Utah JazzUTA2WayRFA2025$0
Turner, MylesC29Logo of the Indiana PacersINDVEUFA2025$19,928,500
Tyson, HunterSF24Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Tyson, JaylonSF22Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLERSCRFA2028$5,641,500
Umude, StanleySG25Logo of the Milwaukee BucksMIL2WayRFA2025$0
Valanciunas, JonasC32Logo of the Sacramento KingsSACVetUFA2027$10,000,000
Vanderbilt, JarredPF, SF25Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVEUFA2028$13,285,714
VanVleet, FredPG31Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2026$44,886,930
Vassell, DevinSG24Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASRSEUFA2029$27,000,000
Vincent, GabePG28Logo of the Los Angeles LakersLALVetUFA2026$11,500,000
Vucevic, NikolaC34Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVEUFA2026$21,481,481
Vukcevic, TristanPF, C22Logo of the Washington WizardsWAS2WayRFA2025$0
Wade, DeanPF28Logo of the Cleveland CavaliersCLEVEUFA2026$6,623,456
Wagner, MoritzC27Logo of the Orlando MagicORLVetUFA2026$11,000,000
Wagner, FranzSF23Logo of the Orlando MagicORLRSEUFA2030$51,033,510
Walker, JabariPF22Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRookRFA2025$2,019,699
Walker, JaracePF, SF21Logo of the Indiana PacersINDRSCRFA2027$8,478,541
Walker IV, LonnieSG26Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetUFA2026$2,940,876
Wallace, KeatonSF, SG26Logo of the Atlanta HawksATL2WayRFA2025$0
Wallace, CasonPG, SG21Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSCRFA2027$7,420,806
Walsh, JordanSF21Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSRookUFA2027$2,406,205
Walter, Ja'KobeSG20Logo of the Toronto RaptorsTORRSCRFA2028$5,870,172
Ware, Kel'elC20Logo of the Miami HeatMIARSCRFA2028$7,135,992
Washington, P.J.PF26Logo of the Dallas MavericksDALVetUFA2026$14,152,174
Washington Jr, TyTyPG23Logo of the Phoenix SunsPHX2WayRFA2025$0
Watanabe, YutaSF30Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetUFA2025$2,346,614
Waters III, LindySG27Logo of the Detroit PistonsDETVetRFA2025$2,196,970
Watford, TrendonSF, PF24Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNVetUFA2025$2,726,603
Watson, PeytonSG, SF, PF22Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENRSCRFA2026$4,356,476
Watson, AntonPF, SF24Logo of the New York KnicksNYK2WayUFA2025$0
Wells, JaylenSF21Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMRookRFA2028$2,486,995
Wembanyama, VictorPF, C21Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASRSCRFA2027$16,868,246
Wesley, BlakePG, SG22Logo of the San Antonio SpursSASRSCRFA2026$4,726,328
Westbrook, RussellPG36Logo of the Denver NuggetsDENVetUFA2026$3,468,960
White, CobySG, PG25Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2026$12,888,889
White, DerrickSG, PG30Logo of the Boston CelticsBOSVEUFA2029$34,844,000
Whitehead, DariqSF20Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRSCRFA2027$5,366,911
Whitmore, CamSF20Logo of the Houston RocketsHOURSCRFA2027$5,458,310
Wiggins, AndrewSF, SG30Logo of the Miami HeatMIAVEUFA2027$30,169,644
Wiggins, AaronSG26Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCVetUFA2029$7,990,655
Williams, GrantPF26Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHAVetUFA2027$14,265,750
Williams, KenrichPF, SF30Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCVEUFA2027$7,163,000
Williams, PatrickPF, SF23Logo of the Chicago BullsCHIVetUFA2029$18,000,000
Williams, ZiaireSF23Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRSCRFA2025$6,133,005
Williams, BrandonPG25Logo of the Dallas MavericksDAL2WayRFA2025$0
Williams, JalenSG, SF23Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRSCRFA2026$6,580,997
Williams, MarkPF, C23Logo of the Charlotte HornetsCHARSCRFA2026$6,276,531
Williams, JaylinPF22Logo of the Oklahoma City ThunderOKCRookUFA2026$2,187,699
Williams, NateSG, SF26Logo of the Houston RocketsHOUVetUFA2028$2,789,215
Williams, CodySF20Logo of the Utah JazzUTARSCRFA2028$7,669,890
Williams III, RobertC27Logo of the Portland Trail BlazersPORRSEUFA2026$13,285,713
Williams Jr., VinceSF24Logo of the Memphis GrizzliesMEMVetRFA2027$2,489,752
Williamson, ZionPF24Logo of the New Orleans PelicansNOPDRSEUFA2028$44,886,930
Wilson, JalenSF, PF24Logo of the Brooklyn NetsBKNRookRFA2026$2,221,677
Wright, DelonPG, SG32Logo of the New York KnicksNYKVetUFA2025$2,087,519
Yabusele, GuerschonPF29Logo of the Philadelphia 76ersPHIVetRFA2025$2,087,519
Young, TraePG26Logo of the Atlanta HawksATLDRSEUFA2027$48,967,380
Young, JahmirPG, SG24Logo of the Chicago BullsCHI2WayRFA2026$0
Zubac, IvicaC28Logo of the LA ClippersLACVEUFA2028$20,998,320
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