Aaron Brooks Qualifying Offer


Starter CriteriaPrevious ContractDraft PositionQO Calculation
UnmetAny-The greater of:
  1. 135% of the previous salary if the contract was signed on or after the start of the 2023-24 Salary Cap Year. 125% if the contract was signed prior to the 2023-24 Salary Cap Year [CBA Article XI Section 1 (e) (iv)]
  2. Minimum salary contract + $200,000
Previous Salary Method:
  • Previous Salary: $2,016,691
  • Qualifying Offer: $2,520,864
Minimum Salary Method:
  • Years of Service: 4
  • Minimum Salary: $915,852
  • Qualifying Offer: $1,115,852
  • Qualifying Offer: $2,520,864