Boston Celtics Waivers


Mar 2, 2025

Logo of the Boston CelticsAnton Watson was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 21, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsJordan Schakel cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsLonnie Walker IV cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 19, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsJordan Schakel was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsLonnie Walker IV was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsJay Scrubb cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsHason Ward cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsRon Harper Jr. cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 18, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsDmytro Skapintsev cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 17, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsRon Harper Jr. was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsHason Ward was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsJay Scrubb was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 16, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsDmytro Skapintsev was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 8, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsTristan Enaruna was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Sep 15, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsJordan Schakel cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Sep 13, 2024

Logo of the Boston CelticsJordan Schakel was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Dec 14, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsNathan Knight cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Dec 12, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsNathan Knight was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 24, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsJay Scrubb cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 22, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsJames Banks III cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsDJ Steward cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsReginald Kissoonlal cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsWenyen Gabriel cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsJay Scrubb was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 20, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsJames Banks III was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsDJ Steward was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsReginald Kissoonlal was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsWenyen Gabriel was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 6, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsKylor Kelley cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 4, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsKylor Kelley was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Sep 30, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsBrandon Slater cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsJordan Schakel cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsTaylor Funk cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Sep 28, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsTaylor Funk was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsJordan Schakel was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsBrandon Slater was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Aug 2, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsJustin Champagnie cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Jul 31, 2023

Logo of the Boston CelticsJustin Champagnie was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 17, 2022

Logo of the Boston CelticsJake Layman cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsEric Demers cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsMarial Shayok cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 15, 2022

Logo of the Boston CelticsMarial Shayok was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsEric Demers was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsJake Layman was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Oct 14, 2022

Logo of the Boston CelticsReginald Kissoonlal cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsBrodric Thomas cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 13, 2022

Logo of the Boston CelticsA.J. Reeves cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

Oct 12, 2022

Logo of the Boston CelticsReginald Kissoonlal was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsBrodric Thomas was placed on waivers by the Boston Celtics

Logo of the Boston CelticsLuka Samanic cleared waivers after being placed on them by the Boston Celtics

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